Living in gratitude is far from a new concept and you would be hard pressed to find someone in this day and age who has not heard someone in their life's path tell them to "be grateful." What is not as mainstream a known concept is the correlation between gratitude and creating a state of high vibration in your life. As energy, light beings, we vibrate, as does everything else in the universe. The speed at which we vibrate can be measured as a frequency in the measurement of hertz (Hz). This frequency is produced by our thoughts, emotions and actions. According to Shawna Freshwater, PhD, "The higher the vibrational frequency, then the higher the expansion, and the greater the Life Force in your cells. The lower the vibrational frequency, then the greater the contraction, and the lesser of Life Force in your cells." Accordingly, the Emotional Frequency Chart below shows the Frequency Scale (measured in Hz) and the corresponding Levels of Existence, and Emotional States. You will notice that the higher the frequency, the Level and Emotional States are what we, as humans classify as "positive" states of being. Vibrating high results in feeling lighter, more at ease, both physically and emotionally. Given a choice, most people would more often opt to spend the majority of their time in peace, love, bliss and serenity, since these not only feel good, but are also the states where high levels of creative energy is experienced. So, how does gratitude affect our frequency? Well, in a word, positively!
The vibrational frequency of gratitude is 540, which is the same as joy, making it quite expansive and one of the highest vibrational frequencies you can be at. The more time you can spend in gratitude, the more your body's frequency raises and the healthier your body becomes. Gratitude is beyond question the most powerful emotion to measure a vibrational shift. Take for instance the fact, that generally speaking, as humans, we normally give thanks or are in a state of gratitude when we receive something from an outside source. But, consider the fact that if we feel gratitude by choice, something very cool happens. Your body shifts into reception mode as the emotional signature of gratitude is positive. This is what makes gratitude so powerful. Ways of manifesting or "choosing to be in" a state of gratitude include directing your thoughts and actions towards that end. Helping others, doing random acts of kindness and thanking those that we encounter throughout our day raise our emotional vibration. More subtle ways of practicing gratitude have to do with our mindset and attitude, which, over time will take the place of lower vibrational ways of thinking. This includes noticing good things and purposefully seeking them out, appreciating and savoring them. In general, just paying attention to the bright and favorable stuff in our midst. One of the best ways to solidify this practice is to express your gratitude to yourself, saying thanks to others, or writing it down in a gratitude journal. Gratitude can also help relieve the psychological and physiological effects of stress. Through these simple actions, you will be activating the brain chemicals that make you happy, thereby decreasing negative emotions, increasing empathy, and creating a much improved outlook. The result often includes higher self-esteem, more inner strength, better heart health and even better sleep. As you get in the habit of directing your mindset towards gratitude, it will become as natural as breathing. You will literally feel the shift in your being as you begin to resonate more in a high vibrational state. The result includes attracting the most wonderful opportunities, outcomes and the manifestation of your dreams. Love & Light, Elisa
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Elisa Valentino