Pampering oneself makes a statement that you are special and worthy. When people feel old, it usually goes hand in hand with them not fussing and rewarding themselves with lovely self-gifts. Although we are spiritual beings incarnated in a temporary physical body, it is still a big part of our human experience to tend to our physical attributes and as a result, we should take the time often to delight in making ourselves feel energized with some indulgences. Here a few I strongly suggest you embrace in your daily and/or weekly routine:
Yup - smiling absolutely changes our mood for the better and raises our vibration. It makes us look more youthful to ourselves and others we encounter. The truth is, people are more attracted to someone with a happy expression, and make their day happier.
There is no need to spend hundreds in a spa (though if you have the money, why not!). Find great mask and scrub recipes on social media such as Pinterest or purchase all-natural masks to apply at night for an evening treat. It’s good for your skin and helps you to stop and focus on your well being.
Do Your Hair
Trust me when I tell you, I know how easy it is on those days off or errand day, to put your hair in a ponytail or under a baseball cap. But, there is something wonderful about having a well-coiffed hair day can make you feel young and vibrant. Great rituals like deep conditionings or an occasional blow-out help bring your attention to how self-deserving you are to be pampered. These practices can also be relaxing and relieve tension, thus making you feel less pressure, which can come from all the changes of divorce.
The beauty of a manicure (and a pedicure for that manner), is that you are forced to just sit and relax and have your hands (and feet) held and massaged. Human contact through touch is great, especially if you are settling into singlehood. Whether you use polish or not, this is a wonderful ritual for having those overused extremities look and feel great.
Did you know that massages actually help to release the toxins in your body? And that’s in addition to gently working out the kinks and soreness from stress and daily wear and tear on our bodies. The lovely smelling oils and lotions help to relax you further and do wonders for your skin and overall physical and mental well being.
We live in a busy time and our hygiene routine is usually rushed as well. But, warm soaks with natural bath salts and oils can do wonders for calming the body and healing and soothing those areas of the body that can often remind us of our age. Baths have been used for centuries by most cultures as they served to heal and rejuvenate.
Get a color Analysis
In today’s digital age, it’s possible to learn and acquire almost any knowledge. A color analysis is a great way to find out what colors work for your skin tone, both for your cosmetics and clothing, thus bringing out your natural features.
These are just a few suggestions on how to celebrate the beautiful unique body that is your’s.
I will never forget, when I was going through the divorce process and my ex-husband sent me an email saying all I do is get my hair and nails done. At first I was appalled that he was trying to minimize my existence and job as full-time mom to a queen who sits around getting pampered all day. Then I realized that a bi-weekly nail appointment and monthly hair appointment were something that I was entitled to and, in fact necessary to my sense of relaxation, helping me to look my best and doing something for me, so I could be a better caretaker to my girls.
It’s your right to treat yourself well and feel renewed doing so.
My desire and end goal is to help you feel great about yourself and embrace a positive self view.